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Introducing The Royal Miswak

nurul afsar

An exquisite luxury miswak made from the Olive Tree.

Reviving The Ancient Tradition of Miswak.

When you use a Royal Miswak, you are not just using a miswak. You are using the perfect embodiment of 1400 years of heritage and tradition. A Miswak so exquisite, we would be proud to present it to royalty.

The Olive Difference

Royal Miswak is made from the olive tree – which holds an esteemed status in Islam. Whether it is its oil, fruit, or miswak, it is said that everything originating from this sacred tree is blessed. Is it any wonder that Royal Miswak exhibits the most remarkable properties.

Not only does Olive Miswak prevents tooth decay and eliminates toothaches but also strengthens the gums.

  • By regular use of miswak germs and bacteria in the mouth are eliminated

  • Useful in protecting against Tartar and Plaque

  • Gums are protected and strengthened

  • The aftertaste of the Olive Miswak is refreshing

  • Gives a new lift to teeth by making them more cleaner and shiny

  • Miswak is said to increase intelligence and memory

  • Has great importance in Islam

This wonderful dental care twig has the honor of being the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H). The Muslims are recommended to use Miswak every day before salah.


Unique Flavour

Described as bitter sweet with a wooden aftertaste, Royal Miswak attains its sophisticated flavour from the mineral rich soil on which it grows.

Alluring Aroma

Royal Miswak naturally emits an alluring aroma which can only be described as the sublime wooden fragrance of pristine Afghan valleys.

Intricate Texture

Simple yet complex, the distinctively dark and intricate textures of the olive tree make Royal Miswak stand out as a beautiful piece of art.

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